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How To Listen To Every Song From The Boys Season 3

Every good superhero story has to have a killer soundtrack, and "The Boys" is no different, even if it is subverting a lot of superhero tropes. The series' third season features a killer soundtrack that includes music from just about every genre. There's electronica, rap, classic pop ... there's even a Spanish-language cover of a Wham! classic. So if you've been watching "The Boys" and want to know who made all of these great songs and where you can find them, look no further! New episodes of "The Boys" debut on Fridays on Prime Video, and this list will be updated as new episodes drop and new songs are added. Pop on some headphones, turn it up loud, and enjoy!

Minor spoilers for "The Boys" season 3, episodes 1 to 4 ahead. 

Where To Listen To The Sounds Of The Boys Season 3

The folks at Prime Studios have made it especially easy for Spotify listeners to catch all of the songs from "The Boys" season 3, compiling an official playlist that gets updated each week as new episodes air, and new songs along with them. Fans who don't use the streaming platform can find most of the songs online on YouTube, iTunes, or wherever else music is streamed and sold, though some of the in-universe songs, like Laurie Holden's "America's Son" or Miles Gaston Villanueva's "Rock My Kiss" might be a little harder to find. The first two songs on the playlist are "Bones" by Imagine Dragons and "Heroes and Villains" by The Beach Boys, though those songs are not in the series itself but the trailers: "Bones" is the song in the red-band trailer, while "Heroes and Villains" is in the official trailer

America's Son - Laurie Holden

There are several original songs unique to "The Boys" universe in season 3, and among them is Laurie Holden as the Crimson Countess singing "America's Son." Her singing voice is lovely, but the song is a schmaltzy ballad singing the praises of Soldier Boy (Jensen Ackles), who probably isn't worthy of all the adoration given what we know about most Vought superheroes. Kimiko (Karen Fukuhara) seems pretty impressed when she watches Crimson Countess perform in episode 2, "The Only Man in the Sky," but Frenchie (Tomer Kapon) isn't having it. Later, Crimson Countess shows Kimiko her latest song and music video, but that song has yet to hit the Official "The Boys" playlist. At least you can hear the Countess croon on this track, even if the lyrics are cringe-inducing. 

Devotion - One True God, Adam&steve

This one's not quite as obvious as a lot of the others, but "Devotion" by electronic artists One True God with adam&steve plays in the background in episode 1 when Kimiko and Frenchie investigate a party looking for the superhero Termite (Brett Geddes). The song plays while Termite is having sex with a plastic doll and the crowd cheers him on (which isn't my idea of entertainment but good for them, I guess). 

Uptown Girl - Billy Joel

Hughie (Jack Quaid) and Annie, aka Starlight (Erin Moriarty) haven't had the easiest romance. She's one of the members of the Seven, while he's now working with Victoria Neuman and the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs as a senior analyst, so things seem like they might finally be a bit peaceful for the pair. In episode 1, "Payback," Hughie wakes up in Annie's apartment and we see their morning routine, including sex, a quick workout for Hughie, and a healthy breakfast all set to Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl." The lyrics perfectly fit the differences in Hughie and Annie's lifestyles, as he tries to figure out his place in the corporate-government nightmare of Vought and the FBSA, while she soars as America's sweetheart. The lyric "She'll say I'm not so tough just because I'm in love" is especially sweet, because Hughie clearly is head over heels for Annie. 

Dream A Little Dream Of Me - Anne Reburn

"Dream a Little Dream of Me" appears several times throughout season 3, though we hear it for the first time in episode 1 when Kimiko hears a young woman playing it on piano at the party where disaster strikes the Termite's strange sex. She looks a little lost at the party, wandering around silently, though she imagines herself singing a beautiful version of the song along with the piano. Since Kimiko cannot speak, the moment is especially poignant, and reminds audiences that there is much more to this character than her superpowers and pretty face. The song has been recorded by numerous artists over the years, including Doris Day, Ella Fitzgerald, and the Mamas and the Papas, but the version that plays in the show is by singer Anne Reburn. 

You've Got A License To Drive (Me Crazy) - Miles Gaston Villanueva

"You've Got a License to Drive (Me Crazy)" is a song performed by the in-universe all-superhero boy band Super-Sweet, led by Drummer Boy, who later changes his name to Supersonic. He's played by actor Miles Gaston Villanueva, who also did all of the singing for the role. He's one of three superheroes competing for a spot in the Seven on a reality TV series, and they want him to perform the song live as part of the competition in episode 2. Supersonic is embarrassed, thinking that the song was creepy when he was a teenager and sang it to younger girls, but as an adult he feels even grosser. His old pal Starlight tries to reassure him that he can push back, though she might be trying to keep him out of danger by getting him kicked off the show. 

...Baby One More Time - Britney Spears

Starlight has been on the superhero circuit pretty much her entire life, performing in the "Little Miss Hero" pageant when she was just a kid. We see her in episode 3 singing Britney Spears' "...Hit Me Baby One More Time," an ironic choice given the song's video was controversial for depicting its teenage star so sexually. Here, the young actor playing baby Starlight gyrates and wiggles her finger seductively, mirroring her mother's movements. Gross. They're making a clear statement about children's beauty pageants and how much they sexualize young girls, but it's still kind of icky to witness. 

Express Yourself - N.W.A.

The episode 3 title credits pop up while N.W.A.'s "Express Yourself" plays, transitioning into Mother's Milk (Laz Alonso) cleaning The Boys' hideout and talking with Frenchie, who's snacking on a very messy powdered jelly donut. The song appears to be playing diegetically in the scene, maybe on the radio or MM's iTunes playlist. Either way, we know he's a fan of the rap group, because he's wearing an N.W.A. shirt in the scene while he tells Frenchie to watch himself so he doesn't make a wreck of the building. 

Rock My Kiss - Miles Gaston Villanueva

"Rock My Kiss" is another one of the songs from boy band Super-Sweet, performed by Villanueva as well. The lyrics are clearly meant to be dated ("I've got Netflix in my mailbox, got my DVDs, alright") but the music sounds like just about every real-world boy band from the 1990s and early 2000s, which makes it even funnier. We get a brief glimpse of him in his boy band days, complete with lasers, in the first episode of season 3. It's only a brief clip, but it's pure '90s nostalgia.

Rock You Like A Hurricane - Scorpions

In episode 3, we learn that Vought sent the superhero team Payback, including Crimson Countess and Soldier Boy, to assist the Contra rebel faction in Nicaragua in partnership with the American government. The superheroes clearly aren't taking it too seriously, blasting the 1984 Scorpions hit "Rock You Like a Hurricane" as they pose for photos. It's probably not the best idea to have a bunch of egomaniacal supes involved in what could easily become an international incident, but Vought's always going to try to have a hand in the chaos. 

Despiértame Antes De Que Te Vayas - Los João

After discussing the absolutely horrifying prospect of the superheroes actually encountering any kind of combat with a young Stan Edgar (Justiin Davis), Grace Mallory (Sarah Swire) walks around the base camp, watching the supes misbehave. They're listening to a Spanish-language version of a popular American pop song on the radio: "Despiértame Antes De Que Te Vayas" by Los João, though it was first popularized in the U.S. as "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by the pop band Wham! Hearing Wham! in Spanish in the Nicaraguan jungle is pretty strange, but so are the supes sunbathing (in pleather?!) and sharpening their weapons. 

Rapture - Blondie

Episode 4 begins with a fake video from the real 1980s series "Solid Gold," featuring Soldier Boy singing Blondie's "Rapture" in front of the "Solid Gold" dancers. "Rapture" is kind of a weird song, mixing poppy beats with rap, and seeing Ackles practically deliver a Shatner-esque line reading as rap is a work of art. Thankfully, the full-length "Solid Gold" performance is available online, so you can watch it over and over (and over) again. Because who wouldn't? 

Yasniy Moly Svet - Tatiana Bulanova

The Russian song "Yasniy Moly Svet" by Tatiana Bulanova plays while Butcher (Karl Urban) and Frenchie visit the Russian grocery to ask Frenchie's former boss Little Nina (Katia Winter) for help taking down Vought and Soldier Boy, but she asks Frenchie to turn in his old friend and former comrade Cherie (Jordana Lajoie) in exchange. The song plays pretty softly in the background, though it does add a bit of authenticity to the Russian store. 

Junk - Jane Air

Russian rock band Jane Air appear on the soundtrack with their 2005 song "Junk," which plays immediately after a scene where Maeve (Dominique McElligott) and Starlight have a conversation about who gave Butcher Temp V. The song actually plays during the transition in scenes as the members of The Boys over in Russia looking for Soldier Boy zip around in their van, setting up the next sequence and getting us in the mood for some raucous Russian action. The song is pretty punk, the kind of thing Frenchie might actually play in his van, though its twisting guitars also make it kind of unsettling. 

Poison - Bell Biv DeVoe

Kimiko must infiltrate a very fancy party and dresses for the occasion in a skin-tight, sparkly dress and a pair of stiletto heels. We're used to seeing her in more comfortable, fight-ready clothes, and as she steps out of Frenchie's van the song "Poison" by Bell Biv DeVoe plays, highlighting both Kimiko's beauty and the fact that she's deadly. Sure, she twists her ankle a bit in those heels, but who wouldn't? The lyrics coo "the girl is poison..." and yes, yes she is, but in all of the best ways. Kimiko rules and that song rules, so it's a blast to see them paired together. 

Stay tuned for more songs, more great moments, and more "The Boys" as new episodes drop on Fridays on Prime Video. 

Read this next: The 14 Best Sci-Fi Shows On Amazon Prime

The post How To Listen To Every Song From The Boys Season 3 appeared first on /Film.

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