On the November 17, 2021, episode of /Film Daily, /Film editorial director Peter Sciretta is joined by senior writer Brad Oman to talk about the new trailer for "Spider-Man: No Way Home."
In The News:
- Trailer Reaction: "Spider-Man: No Way Home" Trailer: Spidey Versus The Villains Of The Marvel Multiverse
- Trailer Reactions
Plug Ryan's "Spider-Man: No Way Home" Trailer Breakdown: Villains Of The Multiverse, Assemble!
Warning speculation which could include possible spoilers follows
Peter, MJ, and Ned think it's hilarious that Doc Ock's name is Otto Octavius.
Doc Ock says, "You're flying out into the darkness to fight ghosts." Then Doctor Strange jumps in saying, "They all die fighting Spider-Man. It's their fate."
Doc Ock's tentacles now have a red and gold color?
Jamie Foxx return as CG Electro (upgraded suit)
Curiously he says, "You're not going to take this away from me." What is "this" and how does it relate to this villain team-up?
- Second Green Goblin
Sandman — whose side is he on?
If the villains are sent back to their homeworlds, they will be killed, thus the title "no way home"
Strange vs. Peter (trippy Train action sequence)
Black Spider-Man suit
Statue of liberty has the Captain America shield
- MJ falls off the statue of liberty echoing Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy fell
Will she survive?
Where are the other Spider-Men?
- Does Lizard get hit by erased something?
"They're starting to come through and I can't stop them!"
- Brad: "Spider-Man: No Way Home" Script Was Constantly Being Rewritten During Filming
From GQ: The production of No Way Home sounds like total chaos. As the first day of filming approached, several key actors hadn't signed on yet. "Some people were trying to figure out whether they wanted to do it, and we needed all of them or none," Holland says. The movie was reportedly going to be released after the upcoming Doctor Strange sequel, but when that film was delayed by COVID, it was decided that No Way Home would go first, requiring changes to the plot. Even once filming was underway, the script was being rewritten on an almost daily basis. "You could ask the director, 'What happens in act three?' And his response would be, 'I'm still trying to figure it out,' " Holland says.
Anyway, the day finally came to shoot the big finale, "the crescendo scene, like, is this really f***ing happening? It's crazy." Only, it wasn't working. "I kept stopping and being like, 'I'm so sorry, I just don't believe what I'm saying.' " The director, Jon Watts, took him aside, and Holland told him: It wasn't me. The scene was wrong. "We sat down, we went through it, and we came up with a new idea," Holland says. "Then we pitched it to the writers, they rewrote it, and it works great."
- Trailer Reactions
Also mentioned:
Ryan: Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Just Confirmed The Return Of Some Familiar Spidey Villains
Joshua: Is Spider-Man: No Way Home Setting The Stage For A Sinister Six Movie?
All the other stuff you need to know:
You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today's show at slashfilm.com, and linked inside the show notes.
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